Library Board


The library is governed by an eleven member Board of Trustees who are appointed by the participating county boards of supervisors and the city council.  The Board meets monthly on the first Thursday and is legally responsible for the control and management of the library system.  Trustees do not receive a salary or other compensation for services as Board members.

Ms. Carolea Newsome – TREASURER
Dickenson County

Ms. Vickie Barton
Dickenson County

Ms. Tammy Scott
Lee County

Ms. Charlcia Jones
Lee County

Ms. Rebecca Scott
Scott County

Mr. Lindsay Fischer
Scott County

Dr. Mark Clark
Wise County

Mr. Chris Allgyer – CHAIR
Wise County

Mrs. Earlene Lester
Wise County

Ms. Dorinda Holmes
Wise County

Mrs. Ethel Daniels  – VICE CHAIR/SECRETARY
City of Norton




Next Board Meeting:

No January Board Meeting 

Meeting dates and locations are subject to change; please call

Lonesome Pine Regional Library at

276-328-8325 to verify